Introduction Introduction

 | Post date: 2020/04/29 | 

The Iranian Statistical Society (ISS) was founded during a meeting of the General Assembly of the Society held on June 12th, 1990, in which the respective Statute was adopted, and a Provisional Executive Council was elected to take up the task of formal launching of the ISS. The ISS mission is to promote and develop the science of statistics and its applications and to introduce its potentials in developing science and technology nationwide.  

 In order to achieve the aims defined for the ISS, the following activities are carried out: 

1. Linking together the fields of scientific and educational research and statistical techniques, and providing for the exchange of ideas among researchers, specialists and other experts that deal with the wide variety of statistical techniques; 

2. Preparing, compiling, and publishing scientific journals and contributing to holding domestic or international scientific seminars and conferences;

3. Making cooperation with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, universities and other educational institutions of higher education as well as other ministries in planning educational and research programs in the area of statistics;

4. Evaluating and coordinating teaching and research programs in statistics nationwide and making necessary recommendations to the authorities.

5. Providing educational, scientific, technical, and consultancy services in cooperation with the executive statistics organizations nationwide.

6. Encouraging researchers to use statistics in their scientific and specialized activities.


Board of Directors: 

The Board consists of seven main members and two substitutes who are elected from the permanent members to serve for a two-year term. The election procedure is supervised by a committee consisting of five members elected in the latest general assembly from among the members of the ISS. 

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